
Pizza Drone Delivery for Firezza

  • Firezza

Bee Aerial collaborated with the London gourmet pizza delivery company Firezza to create a viral marketing video campaign that would emphasize the company’s dedication to its customers – and its sense of humour.

The concept of the commercial, dreamed up by the creative director of Idea Est, was that Firezza were planning to start delivering pizzas by drone. We took care of the entire production process, providing the director, cinematographer, assistants and gaffers and drone, camera and gimbal operators.

We conducted some R&D work to deal with the challenge of how the drone would carry the pizza while simultaneously providing FPV footage. The finished commercial combined ground videography (shot with a RED Epic), edited with FPV shots (captured with a Go Pro 4 from a DJI Phantom 3 Professional carrying the drone), as well as footage from a DJI S900 shot with Panasonic GH4 VLog camera, as well as one pizza.

We’re taking orders – so give us a call!

#videoproduction #commercial #dronehire #aerialfilming #beeaerial #Firezza